Ya cerca de Navidad, he preparado estos jaboncitos para regalo. Los de la anterior foto son de canela, naranja y clavo, y anís ( de izda a dcha)
En la foto de abajo, son de aloe vera (2) , arbol de té y rosa mosqueta (respectivamente de izda a dcha). Todos están hechos con fórmulas que ya os he mostrado anteriormente .
I prepared these soaps for Christmas gifts. The photo above is
cinnamon, orange and cloves, and anise (left to right)
In the photo below, are aloe vera (2), tea tree and rose hip (respectively from left to right). All are made with formulas which I've shown in older entries
In the photo below, are aloe vera (2), tea tree and rose hip (respectively from left to right). All are made with formulas which I've shown in older entries
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