El aceite de Argán es muy apreciado por su efecto anti- edad debido a la gran cantidad de antioxidantes que contiene. Gracias a su alto contenido en vitamina E, hidrata la piel, actua contra la sequedad y el envejecimiento aportando elasticidad.
El aceite de Jojoba es también un excelente hidratante, que regenera, alisa y relaja la piel sin dejar grasa.
El aceite de Caléndula mejora la textura de la piel reseca o agrietada, desinflama los tejidos y es cicatrizante .
Me encanta como huele a aceite esencial de manzanilla, lavanda, incienso e Ylang-Ylang.
I made this soap for dry skins, so I thought I had to include these oils that have so many good properties. Let's see the result after testing..
Argan oil is a highly valued oil because of its anti aging effect and antioxidants. Thanks to high vitamin E content is good to moisturize the skin, for dryness and ageing.
Jojoba oil is also an excellente moisturizing oil, good to regenerate, and relax the skin .
Marigold oil can cure skin damages, inflamations, irritations and several skin problems
I love its scent of camomile, lavender, incense and ylang-ylang.
Jojoba oil is also an excellente moisturizing oil, good to regenerate, and relax the skin .
Marigold oil can cure skin damages, inflamations, irritations and several skin problems
I love its scent of camomile, lavender, incense and ylang-ylang.
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